Signs your child may have challenges with Stress or Anxiety
(including, but not limited to):
Behavioral challenges
Somatic complaints (stomach aches or headaches)
Poor sleep patterns
Difficulty concentrating
Develops a nervous habit, such as nail biting
Refuses to go to school or gets into trouble at school
Changes in behaviors

What is it?

We all experience different levels of stress in our lives. Stress experiences can occur in utero, shortly after birth, and throughout our lifetime. Sometimes a stress experience can be so impactful that it can cause lasting trauma for a child.
The list of possible stress and trauma experiences are innumerable, and the impact of an event will depend on a child’s previous experiences and how he perceives the current stress.
When a child experiences a stressful or traumatic event (a changing home environment, bullying at school, separation from a birth parent, death of a loved one, medical intervention or emergency, abuse, loss of a pet, etc.) this causes his nervous system to release neurochemicals that trigger the fight-or-flight response.
Stressful events can cause a child to have anxiety about specific people, events, or environments, or cause anxiety throughout his day.
At Leaps and Bounds, we recognize that a child’s stress, anxiety and trauma experiences are contributors to his ability to process sensation, therefore impacting his reactions to situations and his behaviors throughout the day. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive program to address not only the current sensory processing challenges, but also the underlying nervous system responses.